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October 22, 2006

SPQR Blues: Blues 2 part LI (#100)


Ave, Caesar! By this time, the name "Caesar" had become a title, not necessarily referring to the Emperor himself, but to his heirs—the Princes who would have certain amounts of political and military power. When Vespasian defeated Vitellius to become the final of the Four Emperors, Domitian immediately went to the imperial palace and the Senate to demand the title of Caesar. It was not just vanity or ambition, but a necessary move to solidify his father's power. Of course, big brother Titus was also given the title Caesar, and Titus actually had a real military command and, eventually, extensive administrative responsibilities. Vespasian would comment that he needed at his side the one man he could trust to do the heavy lifting—his older son.


Posted by klio at October 22, 2006 11:59 PM
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